Saturday, 7 January 2017


Solid geometry is the geometry of three dimensional figure. They are 3-D figures.The kind of space where we live in today.

They are called three dimensional because they have height, width and depth. While plane geometry has only height and width.

They can be divided into two types. They are
  • Polyhedra (They must have flat surfaces)
  • Non-Polyhedra ( They don't have any flat surfaces)
Polyhedra has four different types. They are
  • Cubes and cuboids
  • Platonic solids
  • Prisms 
  • Pyramids
Non-Polyhedra also has four different types. They are
  • Sphere
  • Torus 
  • Cone
  • Cylinder.
Solid have three properties. They are
  • Volume 
  • Surface Area
  • they have vertices, faces and edges.
Today we will start with vertices, faces and edges. 

Vertex and Vertices:

A vertex is a corner nothing but you people denote the points like A,B,C,D,..... The plural form is Vertices having more than one.


A face is an  individual surface like the one side of plane. Similarly plural form is faces.


An edge is an line segment joining two vertices nothing but the line between and b, c and d like that it goes on. As said above the plural form is Edges.

We will see them in later when we go deeply.

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